Room Response App

The Room Response App uses the same data sets as Polar Map, but in a different way. The "room" is fictionalized in that it has no reflecting walls (this complicates the situation imensly and leads to data presentaions that would be overwhelming.) Since the sound "image" is dominated by the direct field (the first arrival) the rooms reflections are not as important as the direct field. While the room width can be specified, it really makes no difference.

To start the program you must select a data set on the upper left. Then simply resize the window for a data presentation. Several plots will be shown, the main - largest window showing either the SPL from a single speaker, the SPL from two speakers, the SPL difference from the two speakers, the delay difference bewteen the two speakers or the "image".

The "image" is a derived quantity using data from Blauert. There is a tradeoff in image location between the SPL difference and the delay difference. For a perfectly centered central image the value of "image" would be 1.0. A value of .5 probably means that the image has moved well off of center, probably towards the closer speaker. Toe-in and speaker seperation have a big effect on the width of the usefull image field as shown in the "Image plot".

The final plot is the SPL at the listener. The listener is located by clicking on the main plot window.

The ideal situation is a fairly flat response at the left and righ ears with an image level > .5 over as large a room width as possible.

Run Room Response

The application requires .Net 4.0 or later to run.